Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? - Overview

What is your definition of 'bad'? Should good people never stub their toe? Fail a test at school? Get stuck in traffic? The idea that bad things shouldn't happen to someone is a challenge because how do you determine what is 'bad' and where do you draw the line? And who is a 'good person' and where is the the line drawn between a 'good person' and a 'bad person'?

Still, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" is the number one question that people ask when they consider the existence of God. The implication is that a good God would not allow bad things to happen to people, especially to the 'good' people that have done 'nothing wrong'. Usually this question is asked during a time of confusion and deep hurt. With gentleness, every Christian must be prepared and ready to give an answer to this question.

Unfortunately, the question itself is poorly worded and has several misconceptions in it - which is exactly why this question is so enticing to ask. However, once the misconceptions are resolved, it becomes clear that there are reasonable explanations. As should be demanded by the most skeptical of people, these explanations are fully compatible with the world around us and with the Scriptures.

First, let us consider our presuppositions.

Attributes of God

God is love.1 God is light.2 God is true.3 God is faithful.4 God is good.5 This is hardly an exhaustive list, but it is clear that the Bible teaches God is pure and righteous. The Psalmist confirms the Scriptures and his own experience when he says upright people will flourish "